The Signs and Symptoms of the Blue Waffles Disease

The blue waffles disease is not commonly known to many people thus most medical blogs have very little information about it. It has a very bad appearance; however, thus it would not be recommendable to look for its image. Its unusual name, as well as all the mystery behind it, makes the disease more popular, and people become more curious about it. Its name stands for common symptoms (blue) and the common street slang for vagina (waffles).


The disease may not be an STD although it is transmitted sexually. Among the many signs and symptoms of the infection could be extreme soreness and itchiness around the genital area. The genital discharge may typically change the colours and even start smelling awful. Also, the colour of the infected place can be varied and turn to blue or purple shades thus the name of the disease. If you see any of these signs, it is best recommended that you visit a physician to avoid further complications.

Moreover, it has been allegedly reported that those infected by this disease may have also felt an intense burning sensation around the genitals. It might also be interesting to hear that the disease’s symptoms disappeared without any treatment after a few days without any treatment at all. However, if you are truly convicted that you have contracted the disease, do not just sit there and wait for the symptoms to pass down as it could turn into worse. The symptoms could be of some other disease.

It is still not yet precisely known how one acquires this disease although there are several speculations that are believed to cause the disease. Some of them may be poor, poor physical activity, constant exposure to stress or other diseases that contribute to the worsening of the disease. Furthermore, avoiding safe sex and usage of excessive use of the birth control pills are believed to be other causes of the disease.

Probably, the most inquired query is what causes the disease, but the actual cause is not determined. The cause may be due to poor immunity or maybe vaginitis which is a vaginal illness that comes about due to lousy feeding and nutrition. Moreover, it is crucial to note that the vaginal area is usually a sensitive area. Thus it would be wise to take great care of it. Wearing uncomfortable underwear as well as using some of the cleaning sprays might as well be causes of the disease.

All said and done what you need to know about the blue waffles disease; it is essential to keep in mind that prevention is certainly better than cure. Protected sex is recommendable to avoid any of the diseases that are transmitted sexually. You also should observe good hygiene and not only for the genitals area but for your whole body, in general, to aid you to lead a healthy lifestyle. Hopefully, this article has made a more vivid image of the disease and made you consider much more about your well being.

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